G. I. JOE Ultimates: Gung-Ho by Super7

So, where am I with GI JOE Ultimates? Well, I’ve checked out all of Waves 1 and 2 here, and dipped into Wave 3 with Scarlett. I was going to finish Wave 3, but let’s go nuts, jump ahead to Wave 4, and check out everyone’s favorite gumbo-slurping jarhead, Gung-Ho! I was only 11yo when the original RAH version of Gung-Ho came out. I’m pretty sure I got him for Christmas along with the Dragonfly, because I remember constantly having him hanging off the landing skids as Wild Bill flew him into battle. I really liked his figure a lot, and constantly had him casting off his grenade launcher and punching out Cobra’s left and right. I was also a big fan of him in the Sunbow cartoon because he was tough but kind of a goof. Needless to say, I was glad to see him land in Wave 4 and I’m excited to check him out!

Super7’s packaging for this line has been suffering a death by a thousand cost-cuts. Originally, they came in brown cardboard mailers and with illustrated camo sleeves over the window box, but now both of those have been nixed. Also, the boxes themselves are now matte and no longer have that plastic sheen. It’s kind of a shame, but then these running changes convinced me to dump the packages for this line, so at least I have more space as a result. In fairness, the presentation still looks solid, you still get some nice character art and a bio blurb on the back panel, and the window shows off the figure and all the extras really well.

And here he is out of the box and looking like he jumped off a Sunbow animation cell. From the waist down, he’s got his trademark blue and green camo trousers with high laced boots, and a pouch sculpted to his right thigh. From the waist up, he’s bare armed, bare chested and wearing only a blue vest to match his trousers. The vest is cast in soft plastic and actually worn by the figure, which looks great. It looks like it would be not a big problem to get it off, but I’m content to not try. And of course, we get his chest tattoo printed onto his already intimidating physique.

You get three heads to choose from, including a neutral expression and a smiling expression, both with his green Marine cap as part of the sculpt. The first really nails his look in the cartoon wonderfully. The second head is pretty cheesy, but in a charming sort of way. We’re back to the fully painted skin tone and the facial features are sharp.

The third head features a shouting expression and comes without his hat and with a headband in its place, and I can’t for the life of me remember what episode of the cartoon or issue of the comic this look is based on. Hopefully someone will help me out on that. I do tend to watch an episode of the GI JOE cartoon almost every week, but there are a handful of episodes I will watch over and over and obviously, the episode this head appeared in isn’t one of them. Either way, it’s a great sculpt, but I would have rather had the shouty head with his regular hat on.

There are no surprises in the articulation, as it sticks close to what we’ve been seeing for most of the guys, for better and for worse. As usual, all the points are there, but you don’t get those double-hinges in the knees and ankles like you do with Classified. I was curious to see how the ab crunch hinge would look on his bare upper body, and with the vest concealing most of it, it looks just fine. I had no issues with any of the joints on my figure, with nothing stuck or too loose. Naturally, you get a bunch of hands, which include fists, relaxed hands, a right gun-holding hand, and a pair of green gloved hands. Sadly, he does not come with a hand to thumb his nose at Cobra Commander, but even if he did, I’m not sure the articulation would have allowed it.

Moving on to his gear, Gung-Ho comes with a large backpack, modeled after the one that came with his original figure and it’s even colored in a blue-green finish to match the original accessory, rather than match the more cartoon accurate fatigues. The securing straps and configuration of the side pockets match the original accessory and the folding entrenching tool is present on the lower, back pouch but here it’s actually painted in silver and brown. Like all the previous backpacks we’ve seen in this line, this one is actually worn by the figure with shoulder straps, and I dig that so much more than it just pegging into a hole in the back.

Also referencing the original figure is his grenade launcher, and it is a pretty faithful update to that weapon. It’s cast all in black plastic, has a soft plastic carry strap, and a ribbed fore grip. I don’t recall him ever really having this in the cartoon, but it certainly was his trademark weapon when it came to the figures, and my Gung-Ho blew the piss out of a lot of Cobra troopers with it!

If you want to arm him with something more traditional, he also comes with the M16 style rifle, and yes we’ve seen this same accessory packed in with Scarlett. It’s a great looking weapon, despite being a little warpy in the barrel. At the same time, it feels a little out of place with the cartoon aesthetic, and I would have rather had another one of the laser rifles instead, or in addition to.

Finally, you get a pair of episode specific accessories from the cartoon. The first comes from the original Miniseries, and it’s the little toy Wolverine tank, which Gung Ho picked up and started playing with while the JOEs were trying to fool cobra into thinking they were surrendering by filming a miniature scale diorama. I’m really glad they included this, because that’s just such a fantastic scene! The cartoon definitely had a tendency to go too goofy, but this was a case where I think it was just the perfect level of goofiness.

Next is a big crystal, which I’m thinking is supposed to be one of Cobra’s explosive crystals from Captives of Cobra, where Cobra brainwashed a bunch of the JOEs families and Gung-Ho had to drive the explosive crystals to a safe place without them blowing up. I’m also thinking that the gloved hands were made for handling the crystal, as they seem to be sculpted to cradle it.

And that’s our lovable jarhead from the bayou. I think this figure came out great and he looks amazing displayed with the rest of the Super7 JOEs. My only real nitpick is that I wish the shouting head had his regular hat sculpted on it, because I don’t have much use for the one with the headband. And yeah, I would have liked the standard issue JOE laser rifle, even though the M16 is pretty cool. Honestly, Gung-Ho’s load out felt like it could have used a third weapon anyway. I think this wave was part of Super7’s attempt to push collectors to go all in on the wave in order to get a bonus accessory pack, so maybe that’s part of it. Still, I’m really happy to add Gung-Ho to the Ultimates shelf! And since I jumped ahead to Wave 4 for today’s review, I’ll have to backtrack to Wave 3 next week!

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