Indie Comic Figure Weekend!

So, I took a little ride this week to FigureFan’s remote storage enclave and took home a couple of dusty totes. One of these totes was the result of me picking through the basement of a comic shop that was closing down near my old hometown back in New Jersey. The other tote… well, there were some cool surprises in there, but I’ll save that for another time.

A lot of this stuff hasn’t seen the light of day in quite a few years, but I had a pretty good recollection of the kind of figures that I culled out of that place. I picked up most of these for $2 a pop, and the guy liquidating the place was offering me even better deals if I bought five or more of each. We’re talking the kind of figures that only the 90’s indie comic book culture could produce. The kind of figures that you could find hanging and collecting dust in the back reaches of any little comic shop. It was an unending parade of scantily clad chicks with big boobs, thongs, leather gear, swords, and sometimes the occasional demon parts. Figures based on art designs that seemed to be inspired by Meat Loaf album covers.  And all produced over and over again in every possible color variant you can imagine.

I was originally planning to do a whole week of this stuff, because God knows there are enough figures in this tote to sustain it, and then some. But with my acquisitions pile continuing to grow, I thought I’d confine this detour to just a weekend and come back to more later on. So, I randomly picked out something from each of the three major offenders companies putting these things out. Rendition? Check! Skybolt?Check! Moore Collectibles? Check!

Stay tuned… I’ll be back later to kick this thing off with a look at everybody’s favorite Princess of Hell… Sinthia.

Um, who???

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