Marvel Legends (Deadpool): Domino by Hasbro

So, obviously I went AWOL for most of Christmas week, which comprised of lots of work and Jameson and not enough sleep. But it’s a new week, and while I make no promises, I’m hoping that by the time we get to 2021, I’ll be able to get things here back on track. For now, It’s Marvel Monday and after a long and stressful week, I’m ready to open some toys! And hey… Did you know that luck is a super power? Yes it is. Yeah. It totally is. And I was lucky enough to stumble upon this Domino figure at Target the other day. No, not really. To be honest, I couldn’t find her and had to get her online. But either way I got her and I am tickled to have a Zazie Beetz Domino in my collection of little plastic peoples.

Hasbro has adopted a new look for their figures based off of the Deadpool and X-Men films and I like it a lot. Like the Deadpool/Negasonic two-pack we looked at last week, the box here has suffered under the cruel nub of Deadpool’s Sharpie. The window gives you a great look at the figure inside, reminding me how adorable and badass Beetz was in this movie. I hope we get to see her don that eye-dot again. But for now, I’ll have to be satisfied recreating new adventures for her with this action figure.

Here she is out of the box and looking so fine! The outfit doesn’t really hold a lot of recognizable nods to anything I’m used to seeing Domino wearing in the comics, but I think it’s safe to say that this movie version was fairly loosely based on that character. It’s certainly a unique costume, eschewing the usual boring tactical body suit for something with a little more personality. The color palate here is mostly black and blue with a little brown thrown in. She’s got some reinforced kneepads, high boots with bronze reinforced bars running up the fronts, and the top is a sleeveless V-neck. The mercenary ensemble is tied together with a pair of long-sleeved gloves that run up past her elbows. All in all, this outfit isn’t exactly the latest in hi-tech body-armor, but when you’ve got luck on your side, I guess you don’t need such things. And all in all, I like the look of this costume and its coloring.

Domino also has a belt rig, which is sculpted separately and worn by the figure. It features some pouches on her left hip, and a functional holster on her right hip. That’s right, Deadpool can suck it, because he got guns sculpted into his holsters and Domino got one that can actually be removed. I guess she’s just lucky. The rig is mostly black, but there are some silver paint hits for the buckle and fixtures.

Domino comes with two portraits, which is pretty cool considering how much plastic they had to invest in her hair! The head that comes on the figure has a fairly neutral expression, and makes for a pretty good likeness to Beetz in the film. It makes use of the halftone printing for her facial features, has some nice gloss paint on the lips, and her eyes are quite captivating. On top of that, I really dig the somewhat translucent plastic they used for her hair. The sculpt came out great, and of course she has her Domino-Dot painted around her left eye. What’s puzzling is why they went with such a subtle change between the two heads, as the second one, which will be featured in some shots below, is just a slight smirk. The only other real difference appears to be her goggles up on her forehead and partially buried by her hair. I really had to scrutinize it to tell much of a difference. Either way, however, they are both excellent.

Domino comes out of the package with a pair of fists, but she also comes with a set of gun-holding hands, and three guns to put into them! The first is a simple black automatic pistol, which fits into the holster on the belt. I don’t think it’s supposed to represent any actual firearm, but it isn’t a crazy sci-fi design either.

The other guns are a pair of matched silver Uzi or Mac-10 style submachine guns with bayonets on them. Yeah, mounting knives on your submachine guns is an interesting choice and it’s certainly distinctive. I like these guns a lot, especially with the silver bodies and black grip and magazines. There are also black optics mounted on the top rails. I don’t actually remember these guns from the film, but I’m long overdue for a re-watch of that one anyway. Either way, they are exceptionally nice accessories and fit perfectly in her gun-toting hands.

And of course Domino sports all the usual articulation that I’m used to seeing on these Legends ladies. The legs are ball jointed at the hips, have swivels in the thighs, double-hinges in the knees, and both hinges and lateral rockers in the ankles. The arms have rotating hinges in the shoulders and elbows, as well as hinged pegs for the wrists. There’s a ball joint under her chest, and her neck is both hinged and ball jointed. Yup, I would have preferred double-hinged elbows and bicep swivels, but I’m still pleased with what she can do. No mushy joints here! She’s loads of fun to play with and has pretty good balance too.

I remember coming out of seeing Deadpool 2 and hoping against hope that Hot Toys would do this version of Domino. It wasn’t an unreasonable wish, seeing as how they did Deadpool himself and are set to deliver Cable next year. Sadly, a Domino release seems more and more unlikely at this point, and just when I thought there was no chance of me ever getting a Zazie Domino action figure, Hasbro stood up and delivered with an all around excellent figure. She has just the right assortment of guns, and she’s going to look fantastic in the modest Deadpool corner of my MCU shelves. Yup, this one made me a very happy camper!

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