Marvel Legends (Kree Sentry Wave): Kree Sentry Build-A-Figure by Hasbro

After a steady diet of Marvel Legends for dinner all week, it’s finally time for dessert. And in this case, dessert means taking all those delicious BAF parts and putting together the Build-A-Figure Sundae. Of course, in this case the Sundae is a killer alien robot! So, let’s wrap up this long-ass week with a look at the Kree Sentry!

The Sentry is comprised of your standard six BAF parts: Four limbs, a torso, and a head. Obviously, there are seven figures in this wave, so you could opt out of buying the regular suited Captain Marvel and still build this guy, because Hasbro knows you’re probably going to buy that one anyway. Putting this guy together is as simple as simple gets and all the parts fit nice and easy.

And does it get any more Kirby than this? The design is a nice mix of chunky angular robot parts with organic curves in the upper arms and legs and I dig it a lot. He reminds me of a smaller, stockier Sentinel. There are a ton of cut lines running throughout the figure, as well as lots of segmented plates, and vents. There are hardly any paint apps on this guy, and the coloring is a simple one-two punch of snappy silver and deep metallic purple, plastic which looks fabulous. Some might argue it could have used a wash, but I kind of like the comic minty-fresh look.

In terms of size, the Sentry ranks up there for being pretty big and beefy as far as BAFs go, but depending on what kind of Sentry you’re looking for, he could be considered undersized. I know these guys ranged from massive to roughly man-sized in the comics, so technically this guy could work fine with the rest of the Legends collection, but I think I’m going to opt to display him with my 4-inch figures. I like big bots and I cannot lie.

The head sculpt is so wonderfully weird by modern sensibilities, but hearkens back to a time when these kinds of designs ruled the day. The blue energy waves that fills the eye are just missing some of that patented Kirby crackle speckling. Other high points include the jigsaw mouth, the dome ears, and the skull piece, which is basically the knitted cap of the robot world. There’s a bit of purple plastic bleeding through the silver paint on his face, but it’s not too bad.

Articulation is pretty standard stuff. The legs have rotating hinges in the hips, swivels in the upper thighs, double hinges in the knees, and both hinges and rockers in the ankles. The ankle rockers don’t have a whole lot of play because of the sculpt. The torso has no waist swivel, but there’s a ball joint under the chest, and the neck is both hinged and ball jointed. The arms have rotating hinges in the shoulders and wrists, there are swivels in the biceps, and hinges in the elbows. Again, the sculpt can be pretty restrictive when it comes to the elbows. The Sentry has his right hand sculpted into a fist and his left hand is opened ready to fire off a blast. I really dig the sculpted aperture in his palm.


I’ve got to be honest, the Kree Sentry wasn’t even on my radar, let alone my wish list, but now that I have him, I’m glad Hasbro made him. It’s surprises like this one that makes the Legends line so much fun to collect. And while on the subject, Blast you, Hasbro! Why you gotta be making potential army builders into BAF’s? It would be damn cool to have a couple more of these.

And that’s a wrap for this Marvel Legends week. I really enjoyed this wave overall. It’s a great mix of predictable movie-based characters with a couple of excellent comic-based figures pulled out of left field and tossed into the mix. Of course, the Legends love is going to continue for one more day, because tomorrow is Marvel Monday! I won’t rule out the possibility of another Legends themed week coming up, maybe to look at the new Black Panther wave, but for now, I’ll be digging back into my pile of outdated shame!

2 comments on “Marvel Legends (Kree Sentry Wave): Kree Sentry Build-A-Figure by Hasbro

  1. I’ve never pegged you as a rapper, but I would pay full admission to see someone sing that when a Kree Sentry shows up onscreen. And then the Sentry shakes his booty. I mean botty.

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